🎅🏼🤶🏻Save the date for Christmas on Cardinal Lane! 🎄❄️
3 months ago, Candace Freeman
cardinal lane
5th and 6th Boys Basketball game scheduled for tonight has been cancelled!!
3 months ago, Theresa Carley
Christmas Lights Needed
3 months ago, Candace Freeman
lights needed
Awesome job to this week's Caring Cardinal Card winners, we are so proud of you!! Not pictured: Elyas
3 months ago, Kristi Coy
Thanksgiving Break
3 months ago, Candace Freeman
Thanksgiving Break
We have a school Family Day coming up in December! Complied here is our Wishlist of things we need for the activities. If interested in donating, please comment what you plan to purchase and send/bring to the school by next Tuesday, 11/26. Thanks in advance for helping make these days fun for our students!!
3 months ago, Meghan Rogers
With our shortened weeks, we have had to play "catch-up" with our caring cardinal cards- but we will never miss an opportunity to celebrate positive behaviors! Congrats to the last 2 weeks of caring cardinal card winners, we are so proud of you! ❤️
3 months ago, Kristi Coy
**LAST CALL for Angel Tree sign-ups. These are due TOMORROW 11/15 We are trying to help as many kiddos/families in need as possible. We actually have more community members wanting to help and would love to see a few more families, in-need, to sign up! If this is something that may be beneficial for your kid(s), please sign them up prior to the deadline of 11/15. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSetNV_-afy4yAjSe_XYao5JR_7GafKZJ6U-za0awUI01R-V4Q/viewform?usp=sf_link
3 months ago, Kristi Coy
sign up form
Picture Retake Day will be Tuesday, November 19th! Anyone that was absent on picture day will have their picture taken!! If you need an order form, please reach out to your child's teacher and one will be sent home!
3 months ago, Theresa Carley
Good Morning!! ** ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS TO GET SIGNED UP Don't forget to check out our Angel Tree Program and sign up if you need some assistance this holiday season. Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSetNV_-afy4yAjSe_XYao5JR_7GafKZJ6U-za0awUI01R-V4Q/viewform?usp=sf_link Community members have reached out asking how they can help, and we have a few different ways. Check out our flyer to learn more! Email Coyk@pgscardinals.org with any questions!
3 months ago, Kristi Coy
Program Information
Community Support
Sign Up Form
We can't wait for Christmas on Cardinal Lane!
3 months ago, Candace Freeman
Cardinal Lane
Good Afternoon PGS Community! Don't forget to check out our Angel Tree Program and sign up if you need some assistance this holiday season. Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSetNV_-afy4yAjSe_XYao5JR_7GafKZJ6U-za0awUI01R-V4Q/viewform?usp=sf_link Community members have reached out asking how they can help, and we have a few different ways. Check out our flyer to learn more! Email Coyk@pgscardinals.org with any questions!
3 months ago, Kristi Coy
Angel Tree Info
Angel Tree Sign Up
Angel Tree Community Support
Today Kindergarten learned about Election Day. We read Duck For President. Students got to cast their ballot for who they thought would be a better president, Duck or Farmer Brown. After casting their vote they received an "I voted" sticker.
3 months ago, Mrs. Acton
I voted
I voted!
I voted!
I voted!
November 5 -No School - Election Day November 8 - 5K - Students can go home with their parents after the 5K is complete or with a note from parents. Students will not be allowed to leave unless their parents are here or they have a note. November 11 - No School - Veterans Day November 26 - 2:00 Dismissal November 27-29 - No School - Thanksgiving Break December 4 - Early Dismissal - 11:20/11:30 December 12 - Christmas Program December 19-20 - 2:00 Dismissal December 23-January 3 - Winter Break January 6 - School Resumes
3 months ago, Candace Freeman
Upcoming Dates
3 months ago, Candace Freeman
The PGS community wants to make your holidays brighter!! 🎄☃️ Check out our Angel Tree program, and if you need an Angel to help your family this holiday season, sign up using the attached form OR google link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSetNV_-afy4yAjSe_XYao5JR_7GafKZJ6U-za0awUI01R-V4Q/viewform?usp=sf_link
3 months ago, Kristi Coy
angel tree
sign up sheet
Whoo-hoo wants to learn more about Owls, our amazing nocturnal feathered flyers? Make plans to attend Owl Night on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at Kennekuk County Park's Education Center. University of Illinois students in a field-based course on Northern Saw-whet Owl Ecology will share information about the migration and behavior of owls in central Illinois through interactive indoor and outdoor activity stations, crafts, and more. Students will also showcase outdoor demonstrations of the tools used to capture and track owls at Kennekuk County Park. Drop in anytime from 5:30-8:30pm on November 12 to learn about owl life history, ecology, behavior, and what you can do to help conserve these unique animals. We may even get the chance to see some live owls up-close! This free event is open to all ages with no preregistration needed. For more information, call 217-442-1691.
3 months ago, Candace Freeman
Happy Halloween from 2nd Grade and their Pumpkin Book Report characters 🎃📚 Job well done, students!
3 months ago, Meghan Rogers
The 4th, 5th, and 6th graders heard a presentation about energy efficiency from Ameren Illinois and Nicor Gas. Each student also received a bag filled with items to take home to help make saving energy easier.
3 months ago, Jim Ochs
Energy Efficiency Presentation
Energy Efficiency Presentation
Energy Efficiency Presentation
Learning about circuits
Happy Monday! We are in search of gift cards to be donated to our Staff Shout-Out program. Similar to the students Caring Cardinal program, we like to recognize and reward staff members for going above and beyond. After compiling the nominations, we then select 1 winner to receive a gift card. *Any amounts are appreciated. They can even be as little as $5. Thank you in advance!
4 months ago, Kristi Coy
Staff Donations